Data Rights Holders Onboarding Information

Data Rights Holders Onboarding Information

Congratulations on being awarded LSST Data Rights through LSST:UK! Please take note of the following important information that will help you make full use of your data rights.


  • You will be added to the list of LSST:UK Affiliate PIs and Junior Associates once the latest update has been sent to the Vera C. Rubin Observatory; Rubin maintain the master list of international data rights holders, and it can take a short time for that to reflect updates to the UK list.

  • On the LSST:UK Confluence wiki you can find further information about LSST:UK, including the LSST:UK Code of Conduct, to which you signed up as part of the process of applying for data rights, and its governance and organisation.

  • Please subscribe to the lusc-announce email list. This will enable you to receive the monthly LSST:UK newsletter and important messages regarding your LSST Data Rights. Announcements on new Data Rights calls are made to this list. Further instructions on subscribing to the list are available here.

  • Please note you may also receive occasional emails directly from the LSST:UK Project Leader (Bob Mann), the Project Scientist (Graham Smith), and the Project Managers (George Beckett and Terry Sloan).

  • As noted in the list of UK Data Rights Holders, your current LSST Data Rights term has an end date. As that end date approaches you should expect an email from one of the Project Managers that MUST be acted upon if you wish to retain your Data Rights. If you do not act promptly you will LOSE your Data Rights at the end of your current term.

Rubin Observatory

  • Please read the Rubin Data Policy, which details the rights and responsibilities of data rights holders. You must adhere to the policies and processes outlined in that document, which also describes the potential sanctions against those who do not.

  • Data rights holders may also access the LSST Data Previews. These are LSST-like datasets made available through the Rubin Science Platform (RSP), which will be the principal tool for analysing LSST data, and the Data Previews are intended to familiarise data rights holders with the format of LSST data and the tools available to support its use, such as the RSP. The current Data Preview is DP0, which is a simulated dataset.

  • The Rubin community forum is the main portal for user support and community engagement with the Rubin Observatory and its Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), starting with use of the Data Previews. Please sign up for this at Rubin Observatory LSST Community forum.

LSST Science Collaborations

  • Once you have data rights, you can join one or more of the LSST Science Collaborations. These international groups are coordinating LSST science within their respective areas, so there are many advantages to getting involved in their activities, but you do not have to be a member of a Science Collaboration to do science with LSST data.



If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577