Calls for support for LSST-related science workshops in 2017

Calls for support for LSST-related science workshops in 2017

Dear all,

Both LSST:UK and the LSST Corporation have recently released calls for support for LSST-related science workshops in 2017: see https://lsst-uk.atlassian.net/wiki/display/HOME/Support+for+UK-hosted+LSST+Science+Workshops+during+2017 for details.

The LSSTC call is primarily aimed at international gatherings, while the LSST:UK funding can support more UK-focussed events that are intended to stimulate greater engagement with the international Science Collaborations and that are expected to be organised through the LSST:UK Science Working Group.

The deadline for applications to the LSSTC call is midnight (2400 hours) PST on Monday, December 19, 2016 by  - i.e. 08.00 GMT on Tuesday, December 20th 2016 - while that for the LSST:UK call is 17.00 GMT on Friday, January 6th 2017. Outcomes from both calls should be announced by early February 2017.

Any questions about the LSSTC call should be emailed to lsstc@lsst.org, while any concerning the LSST:UK call should be addressed to the LSST:UK Science Centre Project Manager, George Beckett (george.beckett@ed.ac.uk).

Bob Mann

LSST:UK Project Leader

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577