Welcome to the LSST:UK Wiki

This is a web resource to support the work of the LSST:UK Collaboration, including its governance, research activities and engagement with LSST entities in the United States and elsewhere. Most areas of the site are accessible only with a valid account. If you are involved in LSST:UK and wish to have access to this site, click through to apply for an account.

To help you get started, if you are new to Confluence or the LSST:UK Wiki, look at the New-user Introduction and Site Guidelines. New links and topical highlights are marked with .

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers [lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk] or phone +44 131 651 3577

Useful Links

Useful Contacts

  • LSST:UK Project Leader @Bob Mann

  • LSST:UK Project Scientist @Stephen Smartt

  • LSST:UK Commissioning Coordinator @Graham Smith

  • LSST:UK Project Manager @George Beckett and @Terry Sloan


Information for LSST:UK members

LSST:UK Information

Public information

Past LSST:UK All Hands Meetings


Resources for members

Information and useful links for the LSST project (international)

Website Layout and Content

The LSST:UK Wiki is divided into different 'spaces', to help people find the colleagues and materials that are relevant to them. All but the Home space can only be accessed using a user account. Some spaces are restricted-access and only accessible by users with specific responsibilities. The current list of spaces is as follows:

  • Home – this space, which is available without the need to login and holds topical, public information, plus links to useful resources.

  • LSST:UK Science Centre (requires login) – which holds material for the (PPRP-funded, Phase A, B and C) LUSC project team.

  • LSST:UK Executive Committee (restricted to Executive Committee) – which holds information specifically for the Executive Committee.

  • LSST:UK SWG (requires login) – which holds materials for the various science working groups and science collaborations that LSST:UK engages with.

  • LSST:UK Board (restricted to Board Members, plus supporting roles (that is, Project Manager, Project Leader, and so on)).

  • Collaboration – used to progress activities and/ or share documents and information with people from outside of LSST:UK. Material hosted on this space is likely to be accessible to people from the international science community, so should be regarded as being public.

  • STFC Oversight Committee (restricted to Executive Group and members of Oversight Committee) — which holds material to be shared between the project team and the STFC Oversight Committee

You can navigate to a site that is visible from you via the 'Spaces' pull-down menu at the top of most pages. If you do not have access to a space that you believe you should have access to, contact the LSST:UK Project Manager (George Beckett). Also do this, if you do have access to a space that you don't believe you should have access to.

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577