Phase B EPO Coordinator

Phase B EPO Coordinator

The LSST:UK Consortium wishes to recruit an Education and Public Outreach Coordinator. This position is available from 1 April 2018 for an initial period of three yearsIt has no funding for the remainder of Phase A (to 31 March 2019), but a request for funding at a level of 0.1 FTE for this post (together with a 0.5 FTE Project Officer) will be made in the Phase B proposal, to cover the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2023. 

Applications should be submitted by email to Tim Naylor before 16.00 GMT on Friday, 16 March 2018 and should comprise the following:

  • a short academic CV (max. 2 pages) highlighting achievements relevant to the EPO Coordinator post;
  • a personal statement (max. 2 pages) summarising the applicant's involvement in LSST to date and explaining their interest in, and suitability for, the EPO Coordinator role, with reference to the role description below; and
  • a short statement from the applicant's Head of Department (or equivalent) confirming that their institution would accept DA funding at the 0.1 FTE level during Phase B should the applicant be successful and that the commitments outlined in the role description are consistent with the applicant's other duties.

Informal questions from potential applicants may be addressed to any of the following:

  • Tim Naylor (timn@astro.ex.ac.uk): LSST:UK Consortium Board Chair 
  • Bob Mann (rgm@roe.ac.uk): LSST:UK Project Leader
  • Stephen Smartt (S.Smartt@qub.ac.uk): LSST:UK Project Scientist

Applications are especially welcome from those who would increase the diversity of the LSST:UK leadership.

N.B. if any applicant is unable to submit their application materials by the deadline due to the current UCU industrial dispute, they should contact Tim Naylor and Bob Mann ASAP

Role Description

The principal responsibility of the EPO Coordinator during the next three years will be the development and implementation of the LSST:UK EPO programme, to be set out in the Phase B proposal. A draft of the Phase B EPO case is available here, but it will be worked on between now and the Phase B proposal submission deadline of 3 April 2018.

Besides managing the EPO Project Officer, this will involve coordinating the activities of a wider group within LSST:UK interested in EPO and, in particular, helping that group secure additional funding for its activities.  

The LSST Project EPO team in the US is relatively well funded, so a key task for the EPO Coordinator and EPO Project Officer will be to maintain close contact with the Project EPO team and to evaluate the resources the team releases to assess their applicability (possibly with tailoring) to the UK context, given the interests of the LSST:UK EPO community. The EPO Coordinator will be the point of contact for that community and for external bodies (e.g. media, STFC EPO staff) seeking information about LSST

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577