VOEvent resources

VOEvent resources

4 Pi Sky

website:4 Pi Sky

paper: 4 Pi Sky Transient Alerts Hub



Gaia even stream

Notes on existing alert systems and VOEvents (story DM-7431) by Maria Patterson at LSST

Electromagnetic Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Candidates thesis by Darren White (Sheffield, now at EPCC)


paper by John Swinbank (2014): http://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.4805v1.pdf
website, updated May 2016: http://comet.transientskp.org/en/stable/
code, updated August 2016: https://github.com/jdswinbank/Comet
code, updated April 2013: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dakota
4pisky tools:
Skyalert (offline as of 2014-07-08, and noted to not be scalable during broker session of summer 2016 AHM):

"Since April 2014 and as of Sept 8, 2016, there are just over 1.23 million VOEvents in the database.  Each month on average are ~38,000 new events."
readthedocs documentation

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