Slack LSST:UK guide

Slack LSST:UK guide

Slack is a channel-based messaging platform that will be used for networking during the LSST:UK AHM. Anyone registered for the meeting can comment on posters and presentations during the week using their Slack account, after accepting their invitation at https://join.slack.com/t/lsstukahm/shared_invite/zt-pkedljvl-HS6Dh2WzHTiWD0f6h1uz1g.

The LSST:UK AHM Slack workspace consists of the following general channels:

  • #announcements - Channel with information about the meeting, handy quick links, and other information.

  • #help_desk - Information for attendees about getting help with Slack or any other matters.

  • #hello-my-name-is - Channel where attendees can introduce themselves. Informal and social networking channel.

  • #new-to-all-this - Channel where UK Early Career Researchers and other UK researchers new to the LSST:UK community may ask any questions they have.

  • #posters - Channel where participants engage with those presenting a poster (and flash talk).


The LSST:UK AHM Slack workspace has in addition dedicated channels associated with each session of the program:

  • #tues-lsst-uk-plenary - Channel for discussion of the plenary talks of the first session on Tuesday, 11 May

  • #tues-rubin-obs-plenary-questions - Channel for discussion of the plenary talks of the second session on Tuesday, 11 May

  • #wed-plenary-questions - Channel for discussion of the plenary talks of the first and second session on Wednesday, 12 May

  • #wed-focus-transient-lasair - Channel for discussion of Wednesday’s Focus Group on Transient Science and Lasair

  • #wed-focus-solar-system - Channel for discussion of Wednesday’s Focus Group on Solar System Science

  • #thurs-plenary-questions - Channel for discussion of the plenary talks of the first and second sessions on Thursday, 13 May

  • #thurs-focus-rubin-euclid - Channel for discussion of Thursday’s Focus Group on the synergy between the Rubin Observatory and Euclid

Desktop app or browser?

Slack users can choose to run the program through a browser, the downloaded desktop app, or the downloaded mobile app. We recommend downloading and using the desktop app for the easiest use.

Slack Quick Start Guide: https://slack.com/resources/using-slack/your-quick-start-guide-to-slack

Slack Tutorials: Slack video tutorials

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577