

EUPS (Extended Unix Product System) is an open source tool for managing multiple versions of interdependent software packages. It is available from:


It is used to manage the packages that make up the LSST software. It is installed as an integral part of an LSST software installation and does not normally need to be installed explicitly.

You can run "eups help" to see a list of the commands provided by EUPS, and "eups -h <command>" to see detailed help on a specific command. Some of the most useful commands are described below.

eups distrib install -t <tag> <product>

This command installs software from a remote repository. The product name specifies which software to install and the tag name specifies that it should have the given tag. For example, "eups distrib install -t v13_0 lsst_distrib" installs all the software included in the "lsst_distrib" product that is tagged with "v13_0". Dependencies are installed and managed automatically.

eups list

Lists all the products currently managed by EUPS on this system.

eups uses <product>

Lists all the products that depend on the specified product.

eups remove <product> <version>

Removes a specific version of the given product from the system.

setup <product>

Sets up a product ready for use, adding its binaries to the PATH and doing anything else that's required. For example, "setup lsst_distrib" sets up all the software installed as part of the lsst_distrib product.

unsetup <product>

Removes the specified product from the current environment. The product can then no longer be used until "setup <product>" is called again.

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