Phase B Prep W/shop Participants

Phase B Prep W/shop Participants

Please add your name to the list below to confirm your plan to attend.

N.B. this is a meeting of the Science Working Group, not an open consortium meeting. 

NameRoleEmail addressTime restrictions1Dietary, access, or other requirements2
1George BeckettProject Manager and DAC Team Membergeorge.beckett@ed.ac.ukNoneNone
2Sugata KavirajLSST:UK Galaxies PoC, Chair of LSST:Galaxies low-surface-brightness working groups.kaviraj@herts.ac.ukNoneNo seafood
3Bob MannProject Leaderrgm@roe.ac.ukNone


4James PerryEPCC, DAC team memberj.perry@epcc.ed.ac.ukNoneNone
5Mark Sullivan

LSST:UK Supernovae PoC

m.sullivan@soton.ac.ukDays 1+2, arriving ~9.30None
6Tim NaylorCluster PoCtimn@astro.ex.ac.ukNone (yet)None
7Graham SmithGalaxy Cluster PoC, Co-convenor of LSST:Galaxies Cluster and LSS working groupgps@star.sr.bham.ac.ukNone yet..None
8Aprajita VermaStrong Lensing PoC, Co-chair LSST Strong Lensing Science Collaboration, co-chair LSST:Galaxies Strong Lensing WG, member LSST DESC SL WGaprajitaverma1@gmail.comNot sure yetNone
9Benjamin JoachimiWeak Lensing PoC, full member of DESCb.joachimi@ucl.ac.ukleaving ~4pm Day 2 (TBC)None
10Manda BanerjiLSST:UK Infrared Liaison; Chair of LSST:Galaxies High-z Working Groupmbanerji@ast.cam.ac.ukNoneNone
11Isobel HookE-ELT Liaisoni.hook@lancaster.ac.ukDay 2 only


12Aleks ScholzVariable Stars PoCas110@st-andrews.ac.ukNot sure yetNone
13Phil LucasMilky Way Science PoCp.w.lucas@herts.ac.ukNone


14Carole MundellAGN PoCc.g.mundell@bath.ac.ukMay arrive late (~early afternoon March 26th) depending on Departmental commitments TBCVegetarian
15Matt JarvisDeep Drill Liaisonmatt.jarvis@physics.ox.ac.ukNone yetNone
16Vicky ScowcroftMagellanic Clouds PoCv.scowcroft@bath.ac.ukNoneNone
17Alan FitzsimmonsLSST:UK Solar System WP leada.fitzsimmons@qub.ac.ukDays 2+3 only

None but infinite coffee

18Raphael ShirleyLSST Junior Associate (standing in for Jon Loveday as LSS PoC)raphael.shirley@sussex.ac.ukNone


19Eamonn KerinsExoplanets PoCeamonn.kerins@manchester.ac.ukDay 1+2 onlyNone
20Gaia/LSSTnaw@ast.cam.ac.ukDay 1+2 onlyNone
21Ofer Lahav

Photo-z PoC

and DESC Photo-z WG co-convener

o.lahav@ucl.ac.ukattending only the first day (Wed 26 April)Veg
22Hiranya PeirisDESC Full member, DESC Collaboration Council and Publication Board memberh.peiris@ucl.ac.ukattending only on day 2, will arrive 26th evening (Wed 27th), have to leave by ~3pm on 27th.


23Richard McMahonSpectroscopy Liaisonrgm@ast.cam.ac.ukDay 2 onlyNone
24Eric BellmLSST Level 1 Science Leadecbellm@uw.edu

25Mario JuricLSST Data Management Project Scientistmjuric@lsst.org

26Robert LuptonLSST Pipeline Scientistrhl@astro.princeton.edu

27Simon KrughoffDESC Computing and Software Infrastructurekrughoff@u.washington.edu

28Wes FraserSolar System POCwes.fraser@qub.ac.ukArriving late day 1None
29Software developerdmr@roe.ac.uk

30Vasily BelokurovMilky Wayvasily@ast.cam.ac.ukday 2 (arrive after 11) and day 3None

1If you will be joining only for part of the workshop (e.g. arriving late on first day; leaving at end of second day) then please record here, to help with organisation of catering, etc.

2If you would prefer not to record your dietary, access or other requirements above, please email George Beckett directly.

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577