LSST:UK Announcements Email List

LSST:UK Announcements Email List

All who are interested in LSST:UK are encouraged to subscribe the the LSST:UK Announcements email list. This is the primary channel for communicating a number of important announcements of interest to the LSST:UK Community.


LSST:UK uses an email list lusc-announce@jiscmail.ac.uk, hosted by JISCMail, to disseminate important announcements to the LSST:UK community.

The list is intended to be low-traffic, reserved for significant news of wide interest. For example:

  • Calls for elections to positions within LSST:UK and for the annual PI selection round;
  • Calls for travel support to major meetings for which we have set a budget limit;
  • LSST-related scientific announcements of general interest.

All who are interested in LSST:UK are encouraged to subscribe (see below for details on how to do this).

The list is hosted on JISCmail and previous posts will be visible to subscribers via the JISCmail web interface.

Posting to the list

Only the Project Manager, Project Leader, and Project Scientist can post to this list: attempts from other users will be rejected. If you do have an announcement that you believe should be posted to this list, please contact the Project Manager George Beckett.


To subscribe to the mail list, simply send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk, from the email address you wish to subscribe, with a blank subject line and a message body containing the following:

subscribe lusc-announce <First name> <Family name>

You should receive confirmation request from JISCmail within a few minutes and, once you have confirmed, will be set up with a JISCmail account (useful to access the lusc-announce archive, or manage your subscription).


One may unsubscribe via the JISCmail web interface (for which you will receive account credentials when you subscribe), or by sending an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk, from the email address you wish to unsubscribe, with a blank subject line and a message body containing the following:

unsubscribe lusc-announce

If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577