How to do a Cone Search
At the top of every Lasair page is a form that can be filled in to do a cone search. just fill in the coordinates and hit return/enter.
Several syntaxes are supported here, including these:
141.15725 25.39508
141.15725| 25.39508
141.15725, 25.39508, 5.0
09:24:37.74 | +25:23:42.3
09:24:37.74 | +25:23:42.3 10.0
09 24 37.74 +25 23 42.3
09 24 37.74 | +25 23 42.3 5
09 24 37.74 ; +25 23 42.3 5
Results appear in a new window, with the text that was typed, and links to the object that was found, here ZTF19acwkwhu.
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