LSP Tutorials and Documentation (June 2020)

LSP Tutorials and Documentation (June 2020)

This collection of documentation on the LSST Science Platform (LSP) serves two purposes:

  1. It provides information for the members of the DAC team who are conducting the LSP Initial Evaluation (WP2.4.02). That is intended to steer the development and deployment work required prior to the release of UKDAC1 on 2020-10-01.

  2. It provides information for the members of the LSST:UK Consortium who are reviewing D2.5.1. That comprises UK DAC Documentation Release 1, which is to be reviewed with an eye to providing guidance on the documentation to be provided for the test users of UKDAC1.

Text in red is directly relevant for LSP Initial Evaluation and will be updated prior to the UKDAC1 release.



Background Information

The LSST Science Platform is the set of web applications and services provided by the Rubin Observatory Data Management team for deployment in Data Access Centres to facilitate analysis of LSST data products. As described in the LSST Science Platform Vision Document and illustrated in the figure below, it comprises three aspects:

  • Portal Aspect: a web interface for exploration and basic manipulation of image and catalogue data, based on IPAC’s existing Firefly tool;

  • Notebook Aspect: an environment, called Nublado and based on JupyterLab, which allows users to run data analysis tasks within notebooks; and

  • Web API Aspect: enabling users to access LSST data products with familiar client tool through use of IVOA protocols.

The UK DAC deployment of the LSP will run on computational infrastructure provided by the IRIS initiative, with user support provided by the UK DAC team.

Getting Started

Applying for an account

For WP2.4.0.2 authentication is implemented only for Nublado, access to which is provided as follows:

  • Request access to the LSP-UK Github Organization. For this you can email: stv [at] roe.ac.uk

  • Once you are part of the Organization, you need to set your visibility in this org to "Public".

  • Navigate to the URL given for Nublado in the table below. You should now be able to login to JHub ("Sign in with Github" button)
    Make sure to authorize the OAuth Application, after which you should be taken to the Image spawn page.

  • Click the "Start" button (you can leave the default options to start with), after which you will be taken to the JupyterLab environment.

Accessing the LSP

Landing Page

A simple web page to help users navigate to the different aspects of the LSP



A customized JupyterHub system to allow users to run notebooks next to the data



An instance of the IPAC portal for in-browser data visualization




Other Documentation


If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the LSST:UK Project Managers lusc_pm@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk or phone +44 131 651 3577