Summary of invited/submitted talks - for LOC/SOC use

Number of contributed talks submitted (as of Monday 29th April) = 9

Summary of invitation status :  

Phase A Sullivan - done, Vicenzi confirmed 
Phase A Weak Lensing (Heymans) - done, Zuntz confirmed 
Phase A + B Smartt/Lasair - done, Williams confirmed
Phase A+ B Shipsey (detectors) - Weatherill still to confirm
Phase A Fitzsimmons - no response yet
Phase A Belokurov - no response yet
Phase A Peiris/McEwan - the two PDRAs have left UK, not possible to get them

Phase B - Kaviraj  - confirmed 
Phase B - Naylor  - confirmed 
Phase B - Banerji/McMahon - McMahon confirmed

Photometric redshifts - Joachimi - confirmed

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