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Table of Contents



The 2021 LSST:UK All Hands Meeting will be virtual, with 3 half-day sessions. The emphasis is on inclusivity, communication and increasing involvement.

We have a number of ways that you can participate actively. All talks will be relatively informal, aimed at stimulating open discussion and broad involvement, which will be supported through use of a virtual GatherTown venue, in addition to Zoom.

Key Dates


19 April 2021  – Registration opens

: ???  (LOC to define)7 April 2021 – Call for contributed talks issued 

and Call for Contributions issued

26 April 2021 (16.00 BST) - Deadline for focus session proposals

28 April 2021 (16.00 BST) – Deadline for contributed-talk abstracts


7th May 2021 (16.00 BST) – Deadline for registration   

(LOC to define)

11th May 2021  – All Hands Meeting starts


LSST:UK All Hands 2021 meeting : Programme


Meeting Points of Contact

For all LSST:UK meetings there are two Meeting Points of Contacts (typically, one female and one male)  to whom attendees may report any concerns they have regarding the behaviour of other attendees, given the LSST:UK Code of Conduct. They may be approached

in person

via Zoom chat, by email, or called via a Skype Number, which they will have redirected to forward to their own mobile phone for the duration of the meeting. It is possible that both may be unavailable for some part of the meeting, so contact the second if you receive no response from the first you try.

For the All Hands Meeting, the


MPoCs and their Skype Numbers are:



Skype Number

Vivienne Wild


Mark Sullivan





and Gather.Town


Register here : ??? (by ???)

Contributed talks

We are soliciting requests for contributed talks . To request a contributed talk:

  1. Send an email request to
  2. Ensure the subject reads  “LSST:UK All Hand 2021 contributed talk request (Surname)"
  3. Include your name, institute, position in the email.
  4. Include a title and maximum 200 word abstract

We are particularly interested in talks which relate to ???

We would also like to have a session on ???

We hope that we can facilitate everyone who would like to give a talk, depending on demand. Contributed talks are likely to be between 10—15 mins in length

: connection details to be provided to registered participants.


Please complete the online registration form by 16.00 on Friday, May 7th . Registration is now closed.


Local Organising Committee:

Further Info:

George Beckett

Science Organising Committee: