The LSST:UK Consortium wishes to recruit a Project Scientist, to replace Sarah Bridle, who has resigned from the position in the light of her new role as PI of the STFC Food Network+. This position is funded at a level of 0.2 FTE and that indicates the level of time commitment the position requires. It is available from 1 April 2017 for an initial period of three years, though currently funding is only in place for two years.

Applications should be submitted by email to Tim Naylor before 22 March and should comprise the following:

Informal questions from potential applicants may be addressed to any of the following:

Project Scientist Role Description

The LSST:UK Governance document describes the role of Project Scientist as follows:

That description was written before the start of the funded LSST:UK Science Centre project, but experience to date does not motivate significant deviation from that specification.

From these high-level statements can be derived the following set of tasks and responsibilities that are likely to dominate the Project Scientist’s duties during the next year and that illustrate the kinds of activities undertaken by the PS.

With those in mind, the next LSST:UK Project Scientists should ideally possess the following qualities.

The Project Scientist role is funded at the level of 0.2 FTE for the remainder of Phase A (i.e. to 31 March 2019) and that indicates the average level of time commitment it requires; in practice, however, the time commitment varies significantly, with the next year likely to be particularly demanding, given the preparation for the Phase B proposal.