Start: 10:00 BST
Finish: 11:30 BST
Zoom link:
Introductions (everybody: 5 mins)
Goals today (Andy: 5 mins)
Lasair overview (Roy: 10 mins)
Rubin schedule context (Stephen or Andy: 10 mins)
Current key issues (Roy: 20 mins)
Discussion (Everybody: 30 mins)
Plans for next meeting (Andy or Stephen: 10 mins)
Live discussion notes
Live notes at meeting as per usual Roy style.
When we are happy with this meeting page, we can link it from the top-level meetings page and then circulate.
Suggest we show slides but link these into this page after the meeting.
It needs to be clear what we are asking them
- quick free form comments on some of the below
- suggestions for what to prioritise for full discussion at next meeting
- but also a few specific questions (do you think X or Y?)
The topics below are a great start but too complicated for a 50 min total discussion.. need to headline them, and turn them into questions
Should we include the list of topics on this wiki page, or just on Roy’s slides?