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  • Lasair philosphy is to keep it simple. Focus on functionality rather than appearance.

  • Beginning to define final user interface for start of operations.

  • Keen to hear comments and guidance from participants.

  • Functionality

    • canned queries – e.g., cone search

    • query builder – custom queries

    • documentation - user guidance examples on website and a cook book on LSST:UK wiki

    • helpdesk - email (also GitHub [tickets], though not for regular users)

    • Embedded image viewer/ interactive plotter for visualising rich information that is available.

  • Open questions

    • Is navigation and user flow obvious?

    • Should we provide general information for public?

    • Should we have more sophisticated documentation?

    • Should we aim for more-interactive web pages, forms, etc.?

  • Sara Q in Zoom chat “I wonder whether some of the information for non-scientists/ interactive stuff could be put together in one of the LSST proposals to the current call”. At NAM there are keen amateurs using Lasair and so UI improvements might be helpful

    • Meg - the call is only 30K USD, ~ 3mths of post-doc)

    • Roy helps establish a collaboration

    • Meg - should you be focussing on Lasair ZTF or is the goal Rubin Lasair? Would the call be better spent elsewhere?

  • Jacob likes how Lasair information is organised, on a single webpage, very easy to find and scan.

    • Eric answer - for own science often go to Lasair initially since it is convenient.

  • George noted “For documentation, I wondered if we could follow a Rubin lead? We should find out what kinds of documentation Rubin will provide. By mirroring their style and tools we can provide something seamless and familiar.”

    • Eric answer - More documentation is good. Rubin has dedicated team for this.

1710 API and notebooks (Ken Smith)

  • (need slides - messaged him)

  • Lasair team has introduced REST APIs using Django Rest Framework (looks to be defacto standard)

  • Effectively, these are machine-readable versions of functions provided (interactive) on webpages

    • /api/cone -

    • /api/query

  • Python wrapper “lasair” (available via PIP install) to help use API.

  • Plan to add support for querying Cassandra directly

  • Also have Jupyter Notebook examples, hosted on Google Colab

    • Need user account on Lasair to access

    • Ken provided live demo of cone-search notebook.

  • API throttled, based on different levels of token

    • Action taken in response to use who was submitting thousands of queries, and putting strain on service (now using more efficient watch-list approach).

      • Anonymous use limit to 10 calls-per-hour, 1000 rows per query, …

  • Eric B Q on zoom chat - “ how are you handling auth for the public kafka service?”


  • Different interfaces – need to prioritise

    • Webpage

    • Scripts (Python, primarily)

    • Other projects (website)

    • iDAC/ RSP interface – opportunity in UK, as IDAC is next to Lasair broker, but needs requirement analysis and design work

    • Topcat – need TAP

    • Personal storage – e.g., MyDB, VOSpace, …

  • Eric asked how Kafka authentication is being handled.

    • Roy noted hope not overwhelmed with requests [for credentials]

  • Ken noted experience of writing TAP service, which could be useful (Guy Rickson and Thomas Marquat (sp?)).

  • Jacob asked if annotation is same as a classification

    • Roy noted one type of annotation, but other classifications were possible.

  • Julien asked about usage split between REST and Kafka. (Q in zoom chat “how is the usage split between the REST API and Kafka? as an example in Fink, most of users use the API, and very few Kafka.”)

    • Roy noted that people are very conservative and stick to interfaces they know.

    • Julien hopes, over time, people will become familiar with new technologies, which will have benefits for users.

    • Andy notes absence of user tools is a barrier to uptake of Kafka. Generally speaking Kafka and Cassandra are not targetted to end users: they are behind the science, meaning astronomy is unusual.

    • Dave noted size of data to be handled. Kafka can handle a stream which would cause APIs to fall over.

    • Ken noted not intended to expose Cassandra to end users. Vision is to have a wraper (web page, for example) to hide Cassandra. PanSTARRS does something similar, for cone-search query.

  • Jakub asked

1730: Discussion