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1325: Discussion

  • Cosimo Q - for stepehn Stephen regarding sptrosctopic spetroscopic addition to Lasair but confused about the various projects. 4most tides does not do targetted opportunities. So it might 20 to 100 days after the LSST discusovery. Can understand how SOXS can be contributebut not so much 4MOST/ So how much can these spectra actually controibute

  • SS - correct 4MOST cannot control the poiniting but likley to follow the LSST footprints. Can control the fibre poiting withing the fields of 4MOST. any thing brighter that 22 in the foiedl of 4MOST will have a fiber put on it. Speatra oif 20K to 30K transiernts plus 30K host glaxies. Cannot control exactly when that will be. challenge is to get onkjctes objects out of alrte stream and onto the the 4MOST schedule. If can put the fiber on them then when an object is 4MOST obesvered, the then UK WP will reconginsed fiber is place, make esitamate and the information will go back to LAsair as a annotation. All of the data will be public in ESO archives. We will get information back asap into the broker.

  • Cosim Q - do you plan the same same thing for SOXS.

  • SJS - yes, there will be some link from Lasairt

  • Jakob Q - How well defined is the UK programme . Have the spectra discussed what they require in terms of triggering from LSST?

  • SJS - yes these discussions are happending at cocneptaual level. Triger are classsified as supernovae by sherlock( not an agn, not a variable star…). Essentially if bright enough for 4MOST to take a spectra then put a fibre on it.

  • Jokob Jakob - sounds like UK will only do supernvoa?

  • SJS - actually mean extragalactic transients

  • Juliem Julien Q - Hardwar funding for Lasair - is this secured?

  • SJS - will be discussed in afternoon. Top level funding is secured. Lasair is a small part of the UK computing. LSSTUK is a small part of UK IRIS. So overall we are not the dominant partner and hence believe Lasair is safe. Andy agrees. Plan of UK expected requirements being put in to UKRI for the 10 years. This includes Lasair


Session-2: ZTF prototype experience (chair: Stephen Smartt)
1335: Lasair-ZTF and how it works (Roy Williams)

  • query, filter and stream are all the same in Lasair

  • Sherlock - cross-matches location of transient with other catalogs

  • Q Julien - screen annotation - what is the feedback on this?

  • Roy - have not built the system yet. Micheal will talk later about one of the classifications. would like to share classifications from other brokers eg FINK if acceptable.

  • Sara Q - stream annotation - are there plans to create a collaboation so people are not competing on the same follow-ups?

  • Roy - Mrashall refers to a fgroupo of peole able to submit opinions on transients and make decisions

  • Andy - Mrashall building byeond scope to solve this. Omn assumption that ouitside world then wnat to know what pepople need to build their own marshalls.

  • Jakob - annotatins are hard. Decided instead tobe flexible so people can do what they want but they then have the responsibility to maintain and make useful. On 2nd slide, no arrow to/from Rubin Science platform. Have you thought about jhow this ealates tp the DB contens

  • Andy - grimly aware need to think about this but not yet solved.

  • Jakob Q to Eric - how frequently can we expect updates and show seriosly to take these

  • Eric says let discuss during talk

Science experience with ZTF (Matt Nicholl)1355:

  • Experiments with Lasair-ZTF

  • Use cases

    • Nuclear transient research currently migrating to Google Colab notebook

      • Difficulties are: filtering on colour, streams clogged with old objects, not having full light curve history (this is the biggest problem)

      • Intend doing citizen science with light curves. Documentation to do this was helpful

    • Lensed transients

  • Email alerts could be more human readable

  • A thumbnail for each object on streaming page would be helpful

  • Testing spectra in advance would be good.

  • Emai alerts and web interface are what

Roy Q - light curves are coming so bid probelm will be solved. Like/dislike for an object is the tail of tiger and could mean Lasair building marshalls. do not have push facility yet. Will tel you.

Eric Q - boundaries with marshalls - how do keep track of candidates

Matt - luckly numbers are not big so not a problem yet. Have been using a note in Google collab. In group have started tentative to build own marshall.

Cosimo Q - agree color curve would be fantastic. …..

Roy - happy to look at Gaussian code and include in the pipeline

Cosimi - will forward to roy

Jakob - you are all using Google colab. But we have encounterd python limitations

Roy - Ken will talk about this later.

Ken - do not know how it nehaves when it requires C binaries other than numPy. Not yet installed own C code. We should explore this.

Garteth - aware that Nubaldo will be running on RSP next door so if Google Colab not suitable then considering intergration with the RSP.

Differences between ZTF and LSST (Eric Bellm)

  • (need slides from Eric)

  • ZTF is on telescope that is almost 75 years old

  • (slide showing physical differences with Rubin. Only advantage for ZTF is in field of view. )
    1405: Discussion