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Attendees: RDW, SJS, RGM, MS, Time and venue: Wednesday 18th May 2020, via Zoom

Attendees: Andy L, Roy W, Stephen S, Bob M, Meg S, Ken S, Matt N, Dave Y, Britton S,, Mark H , Stelios V, Michael F, Ally H, Dave R, Gareth F, Terry S


Notes from discussion

DMR found some code for simulated alerts -

Roy Williams, Lasair today: what it does, how it works – demo

Jupyter Notebook platform will be integrated into LSST Science Platform (LSP).

Comments on accumulated size of data and of robustness of service.

  • ZTF has, to date, observed 85 million candidates and 2 million objects.

  • Believe LSST will be ~50x larger than ZTF.

Sources of unreliability include:

  • Disk filling up.

  • Network issue to ROE.

  • Lasair development undertaken on a development system.

  • Third system, running on IRIS OpenStack , is target for future platform.

Reliability is strongly linked to level of flexibility we give to users [RDW]

  • For example, freeform SQL gives users a lot of scope to create resource-sapping queries.

  • Mike R has significant experience of controlling users' scope for generating SQL, using--for example--maximum number of records, maximum query times.

  • Risk of malicious or ill-informed query generation.

  • Andy L noted balance of being conservative versus ambitious with technology choices.

Bob M asked if scalability experiments were needed to test scalability of watchlist function.

  • Roy noted no hard limit on watchlist, so scope for causing resource starvation. Further, watchlist queries run frequently.

  • Ken S noted option to scale test watchlists using a long list of variable stars.

  • Roy W believes Sherlock is better place in which to manage large, community-interest watchlists.

  • Bob M noted need to work out the size of watchlist that would trigger consideration of moving to Sherlock.

Sherlock: what it does, how it works (Dave Young)