Versions Compared


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  • rare that magnitude changes within one night (apart from flare stars)
  • shape measurements
  • 'interesting' shapes are likely to be ...
  • the more measurements we have the more we can use machine learning
  • if it has been seen before - classified as a recurring transient, not interesting to SuperNova group, but may be interesting to others.
  • example - originally catalogued as a SuperNova, but re-occurred a few years later, so not a SuperNova
  • 10,000 of SuperNova in catalog in Israel
  • initially registered as AT Astronomical Transient
  • classified as a SuperNova, registration updated to
  • cross match alerts with existing catalog
    • Queens catalogs
    • ROE catalogs
    • idea for a SuperCatalog of positions and identifiers from a set of catalogs
    • LSST generating 11 million 'real transients' per night
    • filter on brightness foisrt
    • faint thinsg left to process later
    • Guestimate 100 million objects per night ?
    • Of which 11 million might be real
    • Who does the 'real' filtering ?
  • LSST plan to give transients within 15 min of discovery
    • single observation within 1min
    • combined observation within 15min ?
  • Current Queens system
    • Pan-STARRS and ATLAS transients are collected in batches (pull)
      • Pan-STARRS daily - internal processing is daily batch
      • ATLAS twice daily
    • LSST will be continuous stream (push)
  • Is there a use case for rapid followup within seconsds ?
    • RedFlare - occurs within 15 min
    • SuperNova flash breakout - re-observe within ..
  • ZTF deep drilling fields, re-visiting several times

Darren EPPC, current work on parallel computing

  • Southampton core-collapse
  • Starting to look at LSST QServ


  • spatially distributed data with overlap
  • each processor gets a piece of sky
  • user interaction is with head node

Use cases

  • Astronomer comes up with list of interesting object
  • Would subscribe to LSST transients within radius of their objects
  • Ken has used install notes from Marcus
  • Less interested in it as a live event database - ingest is too slow
  • Interested in it for storing trillion object database
  • ROE has a history of previous queries to the archives
  • Pan-STARRS has an equivalent history
  • Process our historical queries to categorise as query patterns ?
  • Reference stars from Pan-STARRS data
    • Always a spatial search
  • Area queries
    • Cone - ra,dec,radius
    • MOC
    • Q3C
    • Google S2 (does this cover the poles?)
  • Investigation, compare Q3c with HTM, HealPix, Google S2 etc.
    • Particularly at the poles
    • C++ API is not the same as the C#
    • HTMIDs may be different
  • Exclude bright stars using HTMID of the known bright stars
    • Pan-STARRS 14th mag
    • ATLAS 8th mag
    • LSST ??
