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One of the principal goals of Phase A (2015-2019) of the STFC-funded programme in support of UK participation in LSST is for the UK community to become fully engaged in scientific preparation for LSST prior to the start of commissioning in late 2019. That goal will primarily be achieved through individual researchers becoming active in the relevant Science Collaboration and UK researchers willing to commit time now to engaging with LSST now are strongly encouraged to apply for the PI status that is needed to join a Science Collaboration (SC).


  1. Use of LSST:UK collaboration resources:
    1. The relevant section of the SWG space on this Confluence wiki site can be used to collect material for and from the workshop;
    2. The LSST:UK GotoMeeting videoconferencing system can be used to support remote attendance of the workshop by up to nine people; and
    3. A JISCMail emailing list can be set up to support the group, if one doesn't already exist.
  2. Financial support from LSST:UK: The Phase A pool travel fund can provide support for the following key elements of a science workshop:
    <George to add some text here>catering and (with suitable justification) venue-hire; travel and subsistence for UK participants; and travel and subsistence for representation from the Science Collaboration Leadership, with the following restrictions:
    1. (As is usual for STFC research funding,) the pool travel fund can only cover 80% of actual costs. Therefore, alternative funding needs to be identified for the 20% shortfall.
    2. Any request for venue-hire costs should clearly justify why a paid-for venue is better than a free venue.
    3. An aggregate amount can be requested for travel and subsistence for UK participants (for example, N participants with typical, estimated expenses of £XXX), though the proposer is delegated responsible for the allocation of any funds that are awarded to individual participants.
    4. Participants, who have received approval from the proposer to claim support for their travel and subsistence, should claim back their expenses following the usual process for individual travel claims and complying with the travel-expense policy of their employing institution.
  3. Financial support from LSST Corporation: LSSTC has recently issued its 2017 Enabling Science Call for "proposals for workshops, meetings, and other programs to prepare for LSST data." This source of funding is likely to be relevant only for workshops that are intended to have a significant non-UK attendance and, in particular, preference will "be given to proposals that include significant participation by LSSTC member institutions".


The deadline for applications for the LSSTC call is Monday, December 19, 2016 by midnight (2400 hours) PST - i.e. 08.00 GMT on Tuesday, December 20th - and applications should be emailed in PDF format, as described in the LSSTC call.

For simplicitythe avoidance of confusion, applications for LSST:UK financial support should also be made by 08.00 GMT on Tuesday, December 20th. They should be made using the application form <here> Applications (with a maximum length of two pages) should be submitted by email to the LSST:UK Project Manager, with the following information:

  • Contact details of the proposer(s)
  • Estimated date(s) and duration for the workshop and justification (e.g. where that fits in with other meetings, or development of Science Collaboration road-maps, etc.)
  • Expected size and composition of audience
  • Anticipated outcomes from workshop
  • Planned involvement of leadership from relevant Science Collaboration
  • Estimated costs (catering and venue; support for UK-based participants; support for SC leadership involvement).