Name | Institution | Science Collaborations of Interest | End of Term | |
1 | Aird, James | Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | Active Galactic Nuclei; Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
2 | Alonso, David | Department of Physics, University of Oxford | Dark Energy; Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics | 2027-03-31 |
3 | Amara, Adam | School of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Physics, University of Surrey | Dark Energy; Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
4 | Asgari, Marika | School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
5 | Avdellidou, Chrysa | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester | Solar System; I&S | 2026-09-30 |
6 | Bacon, David | Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics; Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
7 | Baker, Tessa | Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth | Dark Energy; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
8 | Baldry, Ivan | Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University | Galaxies; Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
9 | Banerji, Manda | University of Southampton | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2027-03-31 |
10 | Beckett, George | University of Edinburgh, School of Physics and Astronomy | Dark Energy | 2027-03-31 |
11 | Belokurov, Vasily | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
12 | Biller, Beth | University of Edinburgh | SMWLV; TVS | 2026-09-30 |
13 | Bonnerot, Clément | University of Birmingham / School of Physics and Astronomy | TVS; AGN; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
14 | Bowler, Rebecca | University of Manchester | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2026-09-30 |
15 | Bremer, Malcolm | School of Physics, University of Bristol | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
16 | Bull, Philip | Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester | Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
17 | Burleigh, Matthew | University of Leicester | TVS; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
18 | Calabrese, Erminia | Cardiff University | Dark Energy; Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
19 | Casewell, Sarah | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester | Transient/ Variable Stars; Stars, Milky Way, and Local Volume | 2026-09-30 |
20 | Christou, Apostolos | Armagh Observatory and Planetarium | Solar System; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
21 | Collett, Thomas | ICG Portsmouth | Dark Energy; Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
22 | Collins, Chris | Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University | Galaxies; Dark Energy; Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume | 2027-03-31 |
23 | Collins, Michelle | University of Surrey | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Galaxies; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
24 | Conselice, Christopher | U. of Manchester | Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
25 | Copperwheat, Christopher | Liverpool John Moores University, Astrophysics Research Institute | Transient/ Variable Stars; Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Solar System | 2026-09-30 |
26 | Croon, Djuna | Department of Physics, Durham University | TVS; DESC; Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
27 | Davies, Roger | Astrophysics, Physics Dept, University of Oxford | Galaxies; Dark Energy | 2025-09-30 |
28 | Deason, Alis | Durham University, Physics | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume | 2026-09-30 |
29 | Debattista, Victor | University of Central Lancashire, Jeremiah Horrocks Institute | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Galaxies; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
30 | Dickinson, Hugh | The Open University | Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
31 | Dupuy, Trent | University of Edinburgh | SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
32 | Dye, Simon | University of Nottingham, School of Physics and Astronomy | Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
33 | Edge, Alastair | Durham University | Galaxies; AGN; Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
34 | Erkal, Denis | University of Surrey, Department of Physics | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Galaxies; DESC | 2026-09-30 |
35 | Evans, Wyn | Institute of Astronomy Cambridge University | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Galaxies; Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
36 | Farrow, Daniel | University of Hull: Centre of Excellence for Data Science, AI & Modelling | DESC; Galaxies; I&S | 2026-09-30 |
37 | Ferguson, Annette | Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Galaxies; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
38 | Ferreira, Pedro | University of Oxford | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
39 | Fitzsimmons, Alan | Queen's University Belfast | Solar System | 2026-09-30 |
40 | Forbrich, Jan | University of Hertfordshire, Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics | SMWLV; TVS; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
41 | Fotopoulou, Sotiria | University of Bristol, School of Physics | AGN; I&S; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
42 | Gaensicke, Boris | University of Warwic, Department of Physics | TVS; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
43 | Gandhi, Poshak | University of Southampton | Transient/ Variable Stars; Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2026-09-30 |
44 | Garrett, Michael | UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, JBCA | SMWLV; TVS; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
45 | Gompertz, Benjamin | University of Birmingham, Physics and Astronomy | Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
46 | Gonzalez, Oscar | UK Astronomy Technology Centre | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume | 2026-09-30 |
47 | Graur, Or | University of Portsmouth / Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation | Transient/ Variable Stars; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
48 | Gray, Rachel | University of Glasgow | Galaxies; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
49 | Hall, Alex | University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
50 | Harnois-Déraps, Joachim | Newcastle University | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
51 | Hatch, Nina | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
52 | Heavens, Alan | Imperial College/Physics | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
53 | Hendry, Martin | University of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy | Informatics and Statistics; Galaxies; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
54 | Hernandez Santisteban, Juan | University of St Andrews | AGN; TVS; Stars, Milky Way, and Local Volume | 2026-09-30 |
55 | Heymans, Catherine | Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
56 | Hoenig, Sebastian | University of Southampton | Active Galactic Nuclei; Transient/ Variable Stars; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
57 | Hook, Isobel | Lancaster University Physics Department | Dark Energy; Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
58 | Horne, Keith | University of St Andrews, SUPA School of Physics & Astronomy | AGN | 2026-09-30 |
59 | Inserra, Cosimo | Cardiff University | Transient/ Variable Stars; Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
60 | Izzard, Robert | University of Surrey, School of Mathematics and Physics | SMWLV; TVS | 2026-09-30 |
61 | Jarvis, Matt | Oxford/Astrophysics | Galaxies; Dark Energy; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2026-09-30 |
62 | Joachimi, Benjamin | UCL, Department of Physics and Astronomy | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2027-03-31 |
63 | Jones, Olivia | UK Astronomy Technology Centre | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Galaxies; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
64 | Kaviraj, Sugata | University of Hertfordshire | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Informatics and Statistics | 2027-03-31 |
65 | Koposov, Sergey | University of Edinburgh | SMWLV; Informatics and Statistics; TVS | 2026-09-30 |
66 | Korn, Andreas | Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
67 | Koyama, Kazuya | University of Portsmouth | Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
68 | Kuhn, Michael | University of Hertfordshire | SMWLV; TVS; I&S | 2025-09-30 |
69 | Lahav, Ofer | University College London | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics; Galaxies | 2027-03-31 |
70 | Lawrence, Andy | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | AGN; TVS; Galaxies | 2027-03-31 |
71 | Leonard, Danielle | Newcastle University, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
72 | Levan, Andrew | Department of Physics, University of Warwick | TVS; Galaxies; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
73 | Lintott, Chris | Dept. of Physics, University of Oxford | Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics; Transient/ Variable Stars; Solar System | 2027-03-31 |
74 | Littlefair, Stuart | University of Sheffield, Department of Physics and Astronomy | SMWLV; TVS | 2027-03-31 |
75 | Loveday, Jon | University of Sussex, Physics & Astronomy | Galaxies; Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
76 | Lucas, Philip | University of Hertfordshire | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
77 | Lyman, Joe | Department of Physics, University of Warwick | TVS; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
78 | Mandel, Kaisey | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
79 | Mann, Bob | Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | Dark Energy; Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics | 2027-03-31 |
80 | Maughan, Ben | University of Bristol, School of Physics | Galaxies; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
81 | Maund, Justyn | Royal Holloway – University of London | Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
82 | McCarthy, Ian | Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University | DESC; Galaxies; AGN | 2026-09-30 |
83 | McEwen, Jason | UCL MSSL | Informatics and Statistics; Dark Energy; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
84 | McGee, Sean | University of Birmingham | Galaxies; Strong Lensing; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2026-09-30 |
85 | McMahon, Richard | University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy | Active Galactic Nuclei; Strong Lensing; Informatics and Statistics | 2027-03-31 |
86 | Middleton, Matthew | University of Southampton | TVS; AGN | 2026-09-30 |
87 | Miller, Lance | Dept of Physics, Oxford University | DESC | 2026-09-30 |
88 | Mingo, Beatriz | Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire | AGN; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
89 | Mortlock, Daniel | Imperial College London | Active Galactic Nuclei; Informatics and Statistics; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
90 | Mullaney, James | The University of Sheffield, Department of Physics and Astronomy | Active Galactic Nuclei; Informatics and Statistics; Galaxies | 2027-03-31 |
91 | Nadathur, Seshadri | Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2025-09-30 |
92 | Naylor, Tim | University of Exeter / Department of Physics and Astronomy | Transient/ Variable Stars; Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Informatics and Statistics | 2027-03-31 |
93 | Nicholl, Matt | Queen’s University Belfast | Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
94 | Nightingale, James | Newcastle University, Physics, Maths & Statistics | Strong Lensing; I&S; Galaxies | 2025-09-30 |
95 | Noël, Noelia Estella Donata | Department of Physics, University of Surrey | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Transient/ Variable Stars; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
96 | Noller, Johannes | University College London | Dark Energy; Strong Lensing; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
97 | Norton, Andrew | The Open University / School of Physical Sciences | TVS; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
98 | Oates, Samantha | Lancaster University | Transient/ Variable Stars; AGN | 2026-09-30 |
99 | Opitom, Cyrielle | Institue for Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh | Solar System; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2027-09-30 |
100 | Pearce, Frazer | University of Nottingham | Galaxies; AGN | 2026-09-30 |
101 | Peiris, Hiranya | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge | Dark Energy; Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
102 | Pelisoli, Ingrid | University of Warwick | TVS; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
103 | Peñarrubia, Jorge | Royal Observatory of Edinburgh | SMWLV; Galaxies; Solar System | 2026-09-30 |
104 | Perley, Daniel | Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University | Transient/ Variable Stars | 2026-09-30 |
105 | Pimbblet, Kevin | University of Hull / E.A.Milne Centre for Astrophysics / Department of Physics and Mathematics | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
106 | Raimundo, Sandra | University of Southampton, Department of Physics and Astronomy | AGN; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
107 | Rau, Markus Michael | Newcastle University | I&S; DESC; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
108 | Read, Justin | University of Surrey | DESC; SMWLV; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
109 | Romer, Kathy | University of Sussex, Physics and Astronomy Department | DESC; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
110 | S. de Souza, Rafael | University of Hertfordshire, Centre for Astrophysics Research | I&S; SMWLV; TVS | 2026-09-30 |
111 | Sanchez-Janssen, Ruben | UKATC | Galaxies; Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume | 2026-09-30 |
112 | Sanders, Jason | University College London | SMWLV; Galaxies; I&S | 2026-09-30 |
113 | Sarkar, Subir | University of Oxford, Department of Physics | Dark Energy; Transient/ Variable Stars; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2026-09-30 |
114 | Sarzi, Marc | Armagh Observatory & Planetarium | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
115 | Scaringi, Simone | Durham University | TVS; SMWLV; AGN | 2026-09-30 |
116 | Schady, Patricia | University of Bath, Physics Department | TVS; DESC | 2026-09-30 |
117 | Schwamb, Meg | Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast | Solar System | 2027-03-31 |
118 | Scicluna, Peter | Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire | TVS; SMWLV; I&S | 2026-09-30 |
119 | Scowcroft, Vicky | Department of Physics, University of Bath | TVS; SMWLV; I&S | 2026-09-30 |
120 | Serjeant, Stephen | The Open University / School of Physical Sciences | Strong Lensing; Active Galactic Nuclei; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
121 | Shankar, Francesco | University of Southampton | AGN; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
122 | Simmons, Brooke | Lancaster University, Physics | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
123 | Smartt, Stephen | University of Oxford ( & Queen's University Belfast) | Transient/ Variable Stars; Dark Energy | 2027-03-31 |
124 | Smith, Graham | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham | Strong Lensing; Dark Energy; Galaxies | 2027-03-31 |
125 | Smith, Mathew | Department of Physics, University of Lancaster | DESC; TVS; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
126 | Smith, Robert | University of Sussex | Dark Energy; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
127 | Snodgrass, Colin | IfA, University of Edinburgh | Solar System | 2027-03-31 |
128 | Steeghs, Danny | Astronomy & Astrophysics Group, University of Warwick | Transient/ Variable Stars; Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume | 2026-09-30 |
129 | Stott, John | Lancaster University | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
130 | Sullivan, Mark | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton | Dark Energy; Transient/ Variable Stars | 2027-03-31 |
131 | Tacchella, Sandro | Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge | Galaxies; Strong Lensing; AGN | 2026-09-30 |
132 | Tanvir, Nial | University of Leicester, School of Physics and Astronomy | Transient/ Variable Stars; Galaxies | 2026-09-30 |
133 | Teixeira, Paula Stella | School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
134 | Triaud, Amaury | School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Birmingham | SMWLV; TVS; I&S | 2026-09-30 |
135 | Tseng, Jeff | Oxford Physics | Transient/ Variable Stars; Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
136 | Uhlemann, Cora | Newcastle University, School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics | Dark Energy | 2026-09-30 |
137 | van Loon, Jacco | Keele University, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | TVS; I&S; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
138 | Verma, Aprajita | Sub-department of Astrophysics, University of Oxford | Strong Lensing; DESC; Galaxies | 2027-03-31 |
139 | Villforth, Carolin | University of Bath | AGN; Galaxies; TVS | 2025-09-30 |
140 | Vincenzi, Maria | University of Oxford | DESC; TVS; Strong Lensing | 2026-09-30 |
141 | Vink, Jorick | Armagh Observatory and Planetarium | TVS; SMWLV | 2026-09-30 |
142 | Walton, Nicholas | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge | Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume; Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
143 | Watson, Mike | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester | Active Galactic Nuclei; Galaxies; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
144 | Wiersema, Klaas | Centre for Astrophysics Research, | Transient/ Variable Stars; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
145 | Wild, Vivienne | University of St Andrews, School of Physics and Astronomy | Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Informatics and Statistics | 2026-09-30 |
146 | Wuyts, Stijn | University of Bath | Galaxies; Strong Lensing; Active Galactic Nuclei | 2026-09-30 |
147 | Zuntz, Joe | Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | DESC | 2027-03-31 |
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