Start: 10:00 BST
Finish: 11:30 BST
Zoom link:
Introductions (everybody: 5 mins)
Goals today (Andy: 5 mins)
Lasair overview (Roy: 10 mins)
Rubin schedule context (Stephen or Andy: 10 mins)
Current key issues (Roy: 20 mins)
Discussion (Everbody: 40 mins)
(Everybody: 30 mins)
Plans for next meeting (Andy or Stephen: 10 mins)
Live discussion notes
Live notes at meeting as per usual Roy style.
When we are happy with this meeting page, we can link it from the top-level meetings page and then circulate.
Suggest we show slides but link these into this page after the meeting.
It needs to be clear what we are asking them
- quick free form comments on some of the below
- suggestions for what to prioritise for full discussion at next meeting
- but also a few specific questions (do you think X or Y?)
The topics below are a great start but too complicated for a 50 min total discussion.. need to headline them, and turn them into questions
Should we include the list of topics on this wiki page, or just on Roy’s slides?
Roy’s suggested discussion topics
ZTF continuation
We are not paid for ZTF
2 codebase, ZTF and LSST websites, same documentation, same API
Onboarding new users
Why choose Lasair?
Intro materials
Quickstart and serious videos and joky video
Menu of sample filters to choose and modify?
Queryable attributes copied from LSST schema
Proper motion/parallax, error, covariance?
Lightcurve schema and features
Kafka ecology
Consuming filter output
Annotating Lasair objects
Consuming Alerce and Fink
Rate-limited consumer