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LSST:UK has been running a successful software development programme in preparation for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time for more than five years, through the “DEV” strand of the STFC-funded LSST:UK Science Centre (LUSC) project. LUSC Phase A (July 2015 - March 2019) funding was awarded on the basis of UK science priorities, but greater UK involvement in the Science Collaborations (SCs) over time led these activities to become more closely aligned with SC priorities and to the realisation of impact within them. Phase B DEV funding (for July 2019-March 2023) was awarded on the basis of competitive proposals developed by UK groups in conjunction with Science Collaborations and assessed by a panel in an LSST:UK Board instigated process. Two of the six members of this panel (Melissa Graham and Phil Marshall) provided input to ensure that the funded effort supported and complemented existing work underway in the US and elsewhere, leading to the high rankings awarded to these contributions in the CEC feedback to our LoI. The Phase B work package selection process hence balanced UK priorities and strengths with requirements and value from the Rubin Project. A similar process will run for the selection of STFC PPRP funded work packages for Phase C.


Email this completed template (in doc or docx format) to and by 16:00 on Thursday, 20 January 2022.
You will get an acknowledgement of receipt by end of Friday, 21 January 2022. If you do not, phone or message Stephen Smartt 07876014103.

Post-submission procedures

Successful DEV WP teams will be informed as soon as the selection panel has met. The date of that meeting is TBC, but it is expected to take place by the end of January. That leaves a little over a month before the Phase C proposal deadline of March 7th, so successful DEV WP teams will have have to respond quickly during February to requests to provide input to the Phase C case and to prepare their individual JeS forms. DEV WP proposers should forewarn their institutional research finance teams of this compressed timescale.